Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2015

Sketchbook/Journal Scans

At first I had thought about making a game, a tarot game that could be played online and offline. These scans show some of my research and thought processes of the tarot idea that I did not follow through in the end:

My first sketchbook was, when it was full, pretty unorganised. Or, to be honest, not organised at all. That is why I choose to upload the relevant pictures and research onto my blog as scans. This way I can curate way better.

I also wrote down and drew a few of my ideas for the animation. They are way better depicted in my final Storyboah-Journal, but some of the ideas I didn't use.

I also educated myself about formal Storylines. That was interesting, but I had a pretty good idea how I wanted to present the story relatively fast and ended up not using these templates. I also wrote down a few names I had found in the "Animation Bible" in the NUA Library, I believe. Some were pretty hard to find but others I liked a lot!

Before I had settled on the idea of an animation I had actually thought about combining animation and gamedesign into one package. I was, however, too heavily influenced by the game "Monument Valley", as I then realised. It made me biased and restricted in my design choices and that is why I decided not to do it.